
Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Cut It Out

Recently, genetic engineering has become the new black. It seems as if everyone these days are genetically engineering organisms in order to benefit themselves and their lifestyles, but what exactly is all the hype about it?

Genetic engineering is the deliberate modification or manipulation of an organism's characteristics by changing its genetic material. This means the original DNA of an organism is altered by either removing or transferring part of its genetic code. Kind of cool when you think about it. This idea was first cultivated by two scientists, Herbert Boyer and Stanley Cohen, who determined that genetic information could be replicated and cleaved from different organisms in order to produce an organism with desirable traits. They specifically focused on plasmids, E. Coli, and resistance to antibiotics, but now people have taken this technology to a whole new level. Genetic engineers have begun to use this type of science to "create" babies, which have become known as designer babies.

The main component that contributes to scientists' ability to alter DNA is the CRISPR gene editing tool. CRISPR is an acronym for clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeat; now that is a mouthful. Essentially, this tool changes the sequence of DNA in cells in a precise fashion in order to correct mutations that might otherwise create diseases. CRISPR utilizes the the protein Cas9 as a molecular scalpel for DNA. This protein has the ability to recognize a DNA sequence in a cell that is flawed and can then disable or repair the mutated part of the DNA sequence. Now the only way Cas9 is able to find the malfunction in the DNA is by attaching to the RNA sequence that matches the DNA sequence we are going to edit. We then put this combination of RNA and Cas9 into the cell and it will find the mutant DNA and through a chemical reaction it will cut the DNA strand at the location where it is malfunctioning. After the Cas9 and RNA are inserted into the genome, genetic engineers can then insert the correct version of the gene for the cell to function properly again. 

Oh wow just look at how the Cas9 protein does its thing

Although the CRISPR technology was originally intended for combating diseases, people are exploiting the technology for their own needs. Designer babies have become an increasingly common   concept among many. Having the potential to edit the DNA of cells or the embryo itself could lead to genetic fixes and a way for parents to ensure that their offspring will not have any genetic disorders. For now people are focused on preventing diseases or disorders such as, cystic fibrosis, Alzheimer's, and Down syndrome, but as the technology becomes more effective the more people are willing to do to their babies. Genetic engineering is a dangerous path in which parents will do anything in order to create the child of their dreams. Want a child with blonde hair and blue eyes? What about a child that is highly intelligent? In the near future this all may be possible.

This could be your child if they were genetically engineered

As the idea of genetically engineering organisms progresses, the more controversy it causes. Some believe that designer babies and children that have been genetically engineered propose health risks, are unethical, and only available to those who are rich or can afford it. On the other hand, those in favor believe this gene editing tool can defeat genetic diseases and will help lower the risk of contracting diseases such as HIV or AIDS.

While designer babies are still just a hypothetical scenario it creates a "slippery slope" in regards to the future. Since CRISPR is such a disputed topic it is hard to definitively say when genetic engineering is for medical use or for enhancements. One example where this blurred line comes into play is with kids who are autistic. There is a gene called GRIN2B which is known to be linked with the autistic spectrum. If a child with autism were to be genetically engineered, the GRIN2B protein amount would be increased which could lead to higher cognitive abilities, since these two aspects are connected to one another. As a result, more people are more likely to exploit this technology for personal gain.

In this day and age people will go to great lengths to ensure that they have the next best thing. If this includes designer babies then we will all have to rethink our procreation and how it will affect society as a whole.

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